Are you arguing that we can't judge some thing being greater than other thing?
I'm not really sure why you're shifting to the term "greater" as the argument in the OP specifically used the term "good" but I'll be happy to address this word as well.
Once again, just like "good" or "perfect" the term "greater" isn't an intrinsic property. Rather, when we address what is "greater" we compare two or more different things in regards to a specific property and then we make a determination as to which one has a greater quantity of that specific thing or is more likely to produce a desired outcome.Allow me to explain by way of an analogy: Which is greater - spinach or chocolate cake?
Well, without defining what I mean by "greater" there's no way to do a value judgment is there? You're very first question is - greater at what?
Greater in flavor?
Greater in calories?
Greater mass?
Greater acoustical properties?
Greater terminal velocity?
Until I explain the properties I'm using to compare spinach and chocolate cake there's no way we can evaluate the "greatness" or either.
Are you arguing that we can't judge some thing being greater than other thing?
No. Rather, I'm pointing out that without specifically defining the properties or the desirable outcomes with which we are comparing - then there's no way for us to figure out which one is "greater".